Ultra Pro Green Deck Box (UP81451)

Ultra Pro Green Deck Box UP81451 Deck Boxes Gaming Storage
1.99 $1.99
Unused Plastic Deck Box
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- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
DescriptionGreen Deck Box
Holds cards in Deck Protector sleeves. Acid free, durable polypropylene material.

*Description provided by the Manufacturer*
Dimensions4.5" H x 3.5" W x 2.5" D
Ship Weight0.05 pounds
- November 24, 2007
-- bob
Yea i found mine and it still had my cards or atleast most of my cards in it. and the box is still holding up great.
- November 18, 2007
-- bob sferapples
I really liked this deck box and hey it gets the job done right? unfortunetly i lost mine aabout 4 years ago and with it my Yu-Gi-Oh deck and now my friend wants to play again. with that aside i could have also used it for my second magic deck. but i liked the plain look and the way Deck-Box is printed on. i remember trying to scrap off the ultra-pro on the top cus it killed the look hahahaha. oh well if you need a deck box this is a nice plain one.
1.99 $1.99
Unused Plastic Deck Box
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