Spider-Man #220 Chase Rare Zombies LE Supernova Marvel Heroclix

Spider Man 220 Chase Rare Zombies LE Supernova Marvel Heroclix Marvel Supernova
99.99 $99.99
Complete Miniature Including Card
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $71.25 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

- 1 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RarityChase Rare
DescriptionSpider-Man #220 Zombies LE Supernova Marvel Heroclix
Dimensions2" H x 1.5" W x 1.5" D
Ship Weight0.02 pounds
- January 10, 2007
-- Ghostwalker
As far just being able to pull one of these, the "Willy Wonka" factor, I have to say it's freaking brilliant. I packed one today, and just being able to hold it is enough to make me giggle madly. The sculpt is downright nasty, just like all the other zombies. Spidey, however, has the greatest mobility and the measly 40 points makes him the best spidey fig to date. Only one minor quibille: his first click has explosive burst-doohickey but he doesn't have any range. At all. No webs when you're dead, I guess.
99.99 $99.99
Complete Miniature Including Card
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $71.25 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

Troll Rankings
#64,185 on Troll and Toad
#3,445 in HeroClix
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