Jotun Grunt

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Customer Reviews
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Rarity | Uncommon |
Description | Commander Deck Single Card |
Dimensions | 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D |
Ship Weight | 0.004 pounds |
- November 13, 2010
-- Jay
-- Jay
Power Conduit, Mesmeric Orb, Fetch lands and cycling keep him alive foreverz. Also this is my answer #2 in W/G Overrun deck to a friend's Painter Servant/Grindstone deck(#1 is Gaea's Blessing); which is kinda dumb since that's his only kill, lol.
- August 15, 2007
-- Duke DemonKnight
-- Duke DemonKnight
This card has insane potential. It would be great sideboard tech against all the 1001 different "Tarmogoyf deck wins" variations running around Standard these days, and in a deck with Life From the Loam or Grave Troll, you could just keep dredging yourself each turn and wailing on your opponent with your undercosted 4/4 beatstick. Sure the combo loses a little effectiveness b/c it'd be hard to get online in the early game, but toss in some Serra Avengers, and you get a sh!tload of bang for the price of 1WWW. You could just as easily forget about all the dredge stuff and make a red/white deck that ran all the Greater Gargadon buddy-spells like Mogg Fanatic and all those, except forget about the Tarmogoyf.
This is why the secondary market is so insane for Type II, people drive up the price of a card to $XX, not realizing all the time there's an uncommon that shuts it down. Nice 0/1 Tarmogoyf, dude.
This is why the secondary market is so insane for Type II, people drive up the price of a card to $XX, not realizing all the time there's an uncommon that shuts it down. Nice 0/1 Tarmogoyf, dude.
Near MintFulfilled By:
Sell to Us $0.06
* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.
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