Top 25 Best Selling Items in Sword & Shield: Battle Styles Singles

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Bronzong 102 163 Holo Rare
Currently out of stock.
Houndour 095 163 Common
20+ in stock from $0.35
Weepinbell 002 163 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.21
Crobat 091 163 Holo Rare
18 in stock from $0.35
Victreebel 003 163 Rare
12 in stock from $0.30
Golbat 090 163 Uncommon
20+ in stock from $0.21
Bellsprout 001 163 Common
20+ in stock from $0.25
Zubat 089 163 Common
20+ in stock from $0.21
Coalossal 080 163 Holo Rare
Currently out of stock.
Tapu Koko V 050 163 Ultra Rare
20+ in stock from $1.95
Marowak 070 163 Rare
6 in stock from $0.35
Bronzor 101 163 Common
20+ in stock from $0.21
Fomantis 014 163 Common
20+ in stock from $0.15
Frillish 041 163 Common
20+ in stock from $0.25
Tepig 023 163 Common
20+ in stock from $0.25
Victini V 021 163 Ultra Rare
20+ in stock from $1.97
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