Raigeki - LOB-053 - Super Rare 1st Edition

Raigeki LOB 053 Super Rare 1st Edition Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon 1st Edition Singles
129.99 $129.99
Played 1st Edition English Yugioh Card
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- 9 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RaritySuper Rare
DescriptionLegend of Blue Eyes White Dragon was the 1st expansion of the Yugioh TCG. It was released in March of 2002 and consisted of 126 cards total. Noteworthy cards from Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon include Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Exodia the Forbidden One, Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Dark Magician & Monster Reborn.

Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon consists of the following rarity breakdown:

82 Commons
22 Rares
10 Super Rares
10 Ultra Rares
2 Secret Rares
Dimensions3.375" H x 2.313" W x 0.074" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- October 01, 2014
-- Anonymous
Broken Card
With Konami''s decision to unban this card, comes the return of one of Yu-Gi-Oh!''s most broken cards. The price skyrocketed! D:
- February 27, 2011
-- Anonymous
This card is a very powerful card, every duelist should have one of these up thier sleeve.
It destroys ALL MONSTER ON THE FIELD. now in these day they have not so good cards like raigeki break... But this card is the best my brother always kills my monsters with it... But now it's my turn>:)
- January 05, 2011
-- Zo
Most broken spell in the game. Yet i think since there are so many cards that can negate the destruction of monsters nowadays, it may come off of the forbidden list. Nonetheless, just as in my Mirror Force review this is also infamous for turning tides and wiping out monsters.
- November 18, 2010
-- Marque Cross
One of the most broken cards in the game back in the day. You get to destroy all of your enemy's monsters without any cost. However this is forever to be on the ban list so the only way you can play this card is to play in traditional format.
- February 28, 2010
-- Joshua Banta
As far as I know this card is not tourney legal. However if you play anyone, and I mean anyone who plays by non forbidden card rules, get this. It completely can win you the match, back it up with a magic jammer and or trap jammer and it can't be stopped, you can't be stopped.
- May 24, 2008
-- The Mysterius Man of Mystery
they don't have enough stars, this is 5432546732784632786 stars
great card
i only have one.

i like pie
- July 01, 2007
-- K C
So Great this card is. Everyone that plays Yugioh must have one. If anything, this card can be countered, yet if not than the duel is saved/won
- June 01, 2011
-- Marc Gonzalez
Babys play with this card cause its for all the weaklings who still believe in traditional format. Grow up people, this card was a mistake and obviosouly only for lil kids, only grown ups play yugioh with this cards as a BANNED card cause if you use this card, you show your deck is useless and is only worth the dirt under your chinny chin chins ;) Advanced Format forever, where the big boys play for real.
- January 31, 2011
-- Anonymous
I'm sorry to say that this card is useless.
In the advanced format it's banned, so that's self explanatory.
Most of the people who have reviewed so far have skewed views of the traditional format's meta. There's a deck called Exchange of Spirit FTK (or first turn kill) that completely dominates due to a 99% FTK rate. And raigeki is COMPLETELY useless inside EOTS FTK and against EOTS FTK. And if you're not running EOTS FTK you're going to get pummeled by EOTS FTK's anyway.
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