Hulk Ultimate #055 Avengers Marvel HeroClix

Hulk Ultimate 055 Avengers Marvel HeroClix Marvel Avengers
7.49 $7.49
Complete Miniature Including Card
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Sell to Us $3.50 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

- 2 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RaritySuper Rare
DescriptionHulk Ultimate #055 Avengers Marvel HeroClix
Dimensions2" H x 1.5" W x 1.5" D
Ship Weight0.02 pounds
- April 29, 2011
-- Rodger Hogarth
By far the best Hulk model available to buy, unlike the rest this one is actually quite large compared to regular models. Still smaller than Abomination Ultimate from the Avengers set (which I dont understand, I thought they were about the same size), but quite a dynamic pose and good definition. In truth I dont think there's a model out there that really captures the Hulk properly, certainly not in Heroclix, and they've made a lot of models so far. Only the Xplosion model gets even close to the Hulk's green skin tone, but doesn't cut it for me with the pose or the size. Amazingly, Heroscape's Hulk model is actually the best looking that I've come across. But for the meantime this Avengers one is the best option for a Hulk model, I wasted quite a bit of cash on models that are unsatisfactory before I got this one. Hopefully Heroclix will release a better model in the near future, one that's both large and is actually the right skin tone
- September 05, 2013
-- Worldbreaker 77
I agree with a lot of people that say this is by far the best Hulk sculpt HeroClix has released......I also agree with a lot of people who say "that isn't saying much". Still, the sculpt of the body is fantastic and captures the power of the Hulk, he is also bigger than most figs which is very important but something Wizkids have ignored. This figure has only 2 problems but they are important ones. The first is the dial, it is one of the old time dials so you need one of those stupid key rings that you can't find anymore to turn it without problems. I started playing HeroClix this year (2013) so I don't have one of those and just swapped his dial sticker and put it on a double I had and now I have no problems. The second is that awful head and face of his. In the comic he looked menacing but here he just looks silly. He has a Moe Howard bowl cut except the bowl was to small and his head is long and pointy like those aliens on SNL and just looks silly. I like the dial at least but it also has its problems. The damage and 10 clix are great and all but where is the regeneration and why does he only have super strength on 5 clix?? That is just plain dumb WizKids. When is the Hulk not strong? Are you telling me the people who make this game about comic book heroes fighting each other have never heard of the Hulk and don't know he is most famous for his anger and strength??? Overall you just don't feel like you are using the Hulk playing this figure like you do when using 196 point Dr. Strange with his astral projection. You feel like he could be any other monster out there. He is tough but not any tougher than any other figure in his point range like 200 point Iron Man, who would beat most (not all) figures in his point range by evenly matched players. He is good, just not the Hulk I was waiting for so I give him 3 stars.
7.49 $7.49
Complete Miniature Including Card
Fulfilled By:
Sell to Us $3.50 *

* The 'Sell to Us' price may reflect an added website credit bonus. Other buy list payment methods will not include this.

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