Wonder Woman #018 Brave and the Bold DC Heroclix

Wonder Woman 018 Brave and the Bold DC Heroclix DC Brave and the Bold
0.59 $0.59
Complete Miniature Including Card
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- 1 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
SetBrave and the Bold
DescriptionWonder Woman #018 Brave and the Bold Heroclix
Dimensions2" H x 1.5" W x 1.5" D
Ship Weight0.02 pounds
- September 26, 2010
-- Anonymous
A great fig in a less than stellar set. Probably one of the better figs who aren't duo or super rare. 108 points alone or 32 with the alter ego( the best thing to come from the set). She starts with super strength then gets the "Lasso Punch"( power action to pull any opponent 2 squares away to an adjacent square and then close combat attack as a free action). 4 damage at the beginning then steadily drops to 2 but has the close combat expert. She has flurry but loses it 2 clicks in and stays with charge then plasticity til the end. Invulnerabilty, Toughness, and Defend is worth the point total. A solid fig to help build a team.
0.59 $0.59
Complete Miniature Including Card
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Troll Rankings
#215,354 on Troll and Toad
#11,290 in HeroClix
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