Platinum Angel Magic 2010 M10 Singles
4.09 $4.09
Near Mint
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- 103 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Rarity Mythic
Color Artifiact
Casting Cost
Card Type Artifact Creature - Angel
Card Text Flying You can't lose the game and your opponents can't win the game.
Creature Type Angel
Set Magic 2010
Artist Brom
Flavor Text In its heart lies the secret of immortality.
Description Magic 2010 (M10) Single Card
Release Date 07/17/2009
Dimensions 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight 0.004 pounds
- October 08, 2011
-- Anonymous
I love this card so much. It allows you to use things that cause you to go to the negative health area, and still be able to do stuff. the only thing I saw people saying of how to kill it was using doom blade, well theres an easy fix to that. use Painter's Servant and declare the color black. Now Platinum Angel becomes black, and therefore is unaffected by doom blade. (P.S. one of my favorite combos is using this with channel and fireball :D Channel might be banned now, but its still good in casual play)
- April 24, 2011
-- Cerealbox
I love this card. Not because of the epic art or strategic value. Not because of any combo. I like it because this is the sort of card that actually tests a persons deck building skills and strategy. Counter decks, token decks, iona, shield of emeria, phague the untouchable, and progenitus do the same thing I'd say.

As for those who are complaining about the lack of strategy and how you can kill this so easily. This card is best read as "change all opponents victory condition". It makes creature buffs temporaily useless. It makes burn die a little on the inside. And most importantly it bugs the hell out of monogreen elves.

It also opens up a new spectrum of otherwise suicidal combos and can fit into any color of deck, forces the opponent to have a decent range of answers, and is capable of doing significant flying damage, stalls and baits out cards. How many hats does 1 card gotta wear to be loved lol.
- April 12, 2011
-- Anonymous
Platinum Angel + Darksteel Plate + any piece of equipment with shroud. Bahaha.
- July 28, 2010
-- Jansen R.
Put this angel on the battlefield and you will never lose. If you play her with Progenitus she gets protection from everything also so no opponent's can hurt her.
- December 23, 2009
-- Anonymous
Platinum Angel + shroud == win!
- December 15, 2009
-- sebastian
just plain beautiful
- December 13, 2009
-- Duunko
I don't have this card, but I can tell you it sure is annoying. I would love to have it, because my friend has a myr/platinum angel deck that kills me every time. He equips whispersilk cloak every time he plays it, which makes it have shroud and be unblockable. Then, if I can kill it, he uses Bringer of the White Dawn to revive it, or darksteel forge. If he had Elspeth, Knight-Errant he would be unstoppable. at this point, he's pretty darn good.
- November 10, 2009
-- Ben
You know, it's hilarious that after 4 or 5 years, people still don't seem to appreciate just how good and useful this card is. Even those that 4 and 5 starred the card. Sure, it costs 7 mana, but did all of you forget how easy it is, in almost any format, to either accelerate to or simply just cheat the thing into play? I've had this thing on the table by turns 2 or 3, even in casual games. Now, I will grant you it being a 4/4 flying critter and an artifact makes it fairly easy to kill, but why in the hell would you put it in a deck that has no way for you to protect it? You say, "Naturalize! Wrath! Counterspell!" Well, why wouldn't I be running the same answer suite? I'll counter your wraths. I'll run recursion so I can just bring the thing back or, hell, just run a few tutors to find duplicate copies. The point is, the thing can shut out a game against a host of decks that can't deal with it. And those decks that can deal with it, if you build your deck right, it can either just keep recurring or just help buy you time to set up for your win condition. Besides, even by itself it's still a 4/4 beatstick. The fact is, this thing has shown up in and helped dominate a number tourneys.
- June 23, 2009
-- agravicvoid
i added this to my awesome artifact deck, with a combo some may not like (Darksteel Forge + Platinum Angel)
my artifact deck was cool before getting Platinum angel, but now it's just that much cooler :)
- April 05, 2009
-- Xarr
good card but forget immunity i have two words that deal with this card "Needle Storm"
- February 21, 2009
-- Ronald Greig
put out plat angel, 2 whispersilk cloaks, and leonin abunas. equip the 2 whispersilks to the creatures and u got urself an unlosable match. plat angel can attack and is unblockable, cant be the target of spells and abilities so it cant be burned or destroyed, and with leonin abunas, whispersilk cant be the target of spell or abilities ur opponent of the funnest combos to play
- February 16, 2009
-- welderbob
I hate this card but whenever my friend plays this, I end up playing confiscate, morphing chromeshell crab, or memnarch. So that's good for me.
- September 28, 2008
-- elliot hirsch
It works great as long as you have a couple steel shaper apprentices and the shield of kaldra in your deck. As long as you have that , you can just get plenty of creatures out , then wipe out your opponent. Great card!
- September 25, 2008
-- one awesome dude
Man I love this card.. but it should be left in a frame and you should only play against people you KNOW can lose gracefully, otherwise yer paying eight frickin dollars to get physically beaten..........and no that is not a bargain how ever it is still fun to watch thier faces.
- August 15, 2008
-- Don
Frick happens to be one of my favorite words, and this in one of my favorite cards. I play this in type 1 with Diplomatic Immunity. This card is utterly vulnerable to Damnation and Wrath of God even with the Diplomatic Immunity on it. Along with Final Fortune, this combo's only purpose is to buy more time until I can get some pacts and a scepter. Damnation and Wrath of God are easily stopped with Pact of Negation.
- July 05, 2008
-- Taylor Nottage
It is awesome in Oath of Druids Deck
- June 22, 2008
-- Parsley
this card can rule beyond all reason in a game. just play it with a shield of kaldra or a darksteel fordge on the field and you win the game no questins asked.
- June 10, 2008
-- Jonathan Hynes
I'm not saying this is good in every deck, because it isn't. It, like the sweeping majority of cards, is theme-dependent. If you're running an artifact deck, then I suggest:

Mycosynth Golem (casting cost of nothing), Darksteel Forge (Indestructible), and Diplomatic Immunity(cannot be the target of spells/abilities).

5 stars for it's potential in the right situation. Even if you run it with a different deck, you're still buying yourself some time, and that's often all you need.
- May 11, 2008
-- Zane
I love this card but it needs to be banned you think its easy to get rid of but just try to when its got diplomatic immunity on it
- September 10, 2007
-- jacob
I'm getting one of these for my deck. and if my friends think they can beat it, like you all say you can. can you say privileged position??
- June 03, 2007
-- Stephan Martiniere
This + Darksteel Forge + Whispersilk Cloak and you have to win. It will be unblockable, have flying, have indestructible, and you cant lose. no doubt that this is the greatest card in the game. So what about it's cost, play it later on in the game.
- May 29, 2007
-- alex
LOL to the japanese hobbit guy. You can not use terror on this card platinum angel is an artifact creature
- April 13, 2007
-- Drew
This card is really good. I have seen a match played with this card... it went on FOREVER! This card can be used in a number of different decks, suicide, flying, just plain artifact, powering up, or really anything else. This card brings an interesting twist to the game. But is does have weaknesses, which I will say now: Lowering one it's stats to below 0, destroy artifact card (common in red or white decks), or just over powering it with a flying monster (or Arashi sky asunder).
- November 26, 2006
-- Will
I am more and more disappointed with the Mirrodin deck.. pretty much every time i see a Mirrodin card. These cards are far too powerful for me to take seriously in casual play.
Platinum angel along with an enchanment saying that it can't be the target of any spells.
- November 25, 2006
-- dan
want to be unstopable... enchant this angel with a diplomatic immunity. best combo in the game as far as direct influence on victory/loss.
- November 15, 2006
-- Jacob LeMaire
Nice card when added with darksteel forge. tinker helps get both out. and as to whoever said "nothing a terror can't handle" "Terror: Bury target non-black, non-artifact creature." i think you're just a lil wrong there.... its an artifact creature...
- October 11, 2006
-- Anonymous
this plus diplomatic immunety mean you basicly win and kind of a dirty way to win but a great man once told me the best way to win in magic is to make decks that ???? people off and thats exactly what this does just sit back and eventualy your opponent runs out of cards
- September 19, 2006
-- Szapa
This card is great. It's a little cheap, but come on don't tell me you couldn't use it.
- August 15, 2006
-- Justin
Yes it is a great card No doubts about it. It with an equiped wispersilk cloak is just frekin good. Or it and i can't remeber witch card it is but its an artifact that makes all the artifacts you control indestrucable. Oh and one more thing for the idiot that thinks this card is nothin a terror can't handle. Read terror Its says quite clearly non-black non-artifact creature.
- August 10, 2006
-- Charles Burns
I was told about this card awhile ago, and thought someone was pulling my leg but this card does exactly what it says it will. This is the perfect card to stall the game for turn after turn after your opponent tries to figure out how to deal with it in a timely fashion. After then hopefully you can just roll over whatever they have because you haven't lost at all. Ohh, want to make your opponent really mad, play four of em.
- July 07, 2006
-- Anonymous
In my opinion the card is kick ass! With the help of a few artifact equipments and counter spell cards you can keep your oponent from finding any loop holes around the card.
- May 02, 2006
-- Anonymous
this card is great with phage the untouchable because you will win easily
- April 02, 2006
-- Anonymous
This card goes great with my artifact deck. It goes great with either Darksteel Forge or Whispersilk Cloak especially if i can get mycosynth golem out quickly.
- December 24, 2005
-- alex
LOL terror wont work on platinum angel. the card only targets blue red green and white spells HA HA HA. But if u wanna get rid of it have a disenchant ready
- December 14, 2005
-- Anonymous
awsome card
- October 02, 2005
-- Yoshi
two words: soul foundry...for mirrodin, the best card to get rid of this is worldslayer, but if u clone it enough, you can have a legion of platinum angels and decimate any opponent as both an attacker as well as a safeguard for winning the game VERY good card.
- July 18, 2005
-- Morrolan e'Drein
This is a great card all on it's own! Add Shield of Kaldra and Lightning Greaves. This way not only is it indestructable (Shield of Kaldra) but it can't be the target of spells or abilaties (Lightning Greaves). Then sit back and watch your friends/opponants cry like little babies. Bwahahahahaha!
- April 22, 2005
-- Cole
Lessons on Platinum. 1 the green ouphe can screw you up. 2 get a darksteel forge or three. 3 put lightening greeves on her. Or if you just wanna make em twitch put her on soul foundry with a forge in play.
- March 15, 2005
-- Tolliver White
This card is literally one of the best cards in all of Magic. I personally own a Platinum Angel and have one a great many games.
- February 16, 2005
-- Anonymous
I love this card. Get a flag bearer out so it can't be targeted by some spells. Then equip it with can't be target of spells or abillities so it can't die from spells, I love. Did I mention I love it.
- January 22, 2005
-- Anonymous
I think this should be banned because people are using darksteel forge with it to make it indestructable
- January 15, 2005
-- jesse chenoweth
What can I "not" say about this creature.....Its......the best.......ever.

I want one so bad but I just cannot find anyone who wants to trade any.
- January 13, 2005
-- Jesse Hilliard
A great card! As soon as it hits the table, you will become the instant target of every player's rage! Watch out! with a whispersilk cloak, this card can be a game winner. -Xavier-
- January 01, 2005
-- Ick Eterna
7 colorless mana is really cheap to make a 4/4 creature that makes it so your opponents cannot win, and you cannot lose. That can easily be achieved by means of Mycosynth Golem, or Cloudposts, reanimation, or even by hardcast. It's 4/4 body makes it durable for Mirrodin and you can use it as a quick beat to your opponents head. The only real enemy this card has is a Dark Banishing, Shatter, Disenchant, or any point removal spell that can lethally damage it, or blow it to bits.
- December 30, 2004
-- Anonymous
- December 12, 2004
-- josh
Im getting 4 of these cards this card is gonna rule in my form of the dragon deck because if i get it out and form of the dragon out it will be really hard to chose what to naturalize or whatever the opponent uses lol i cant wait im gonna murder i already do but this will make it complete exspecially since my form of the dragon is also a green and red deck which the green is mana producers so ill have platinum angel out in no time cant nobody touch me oh my the way i have 4 form of the dragons in that deck too so ill be unstoppable i made the deck 2 months ago and never lost once out of maybe 100 games ultimate deck someone try and out do me haha yea right cant do it i win!!!!!
- November 27, 2004
-- Josh Simmons
How does infinite turns sound? after you get the Angel out, play Isochron Scepter with a Final Fortune on it and watch your opponent's face go from funny to hilarious!
- September 09, 2004
-- ColaMan
- September 03, 2004
-- Anonymous
With this card you are sure winner.I´ve got it three times and win most of my battles thanks to this card
- April 13, 2004
-- Kain
One of the best cards in the Mirrodin series. A must have for any player.
- March 15, 2004
-- Anonymous
i think this card is very good but it should be a lower price it may be good but i wouldn't buy it myself. if the price was round £9.50 - £10.50 i would probable buy it. i am only a bigginner but i have some good cards and if i had that one i would definatly use it
- January 29, 2004
-- Cunky Lee Chong
Combine this with Final Fortune without the drawback of losing the game for 2 red mana. Time walk in red!
- January 22, 2004
-- Billy
I have an Angel deck, which includes: Akroma, Reya, Radiant, Serra's, Silver Seraph's, Angel of Retribution's, and some other smaller angels, this, is my must, for my deck, it fits into belbe's portal, and my deck so much, I MUST get it.
- December 29, 2003
-- Anonymous
this creature is a great additon to any deck, it makes it immposible for your opponent to win!
- November 26, 2003
-- conrad coulas
One of my favorite cards this card is usefull in almost any deck and especially and mono black suicide black deck
- November 14, 2003
-- Anonymous
5+, great card no questions askes because you cant lose and your opponent cant win. Play this card and you will be very happy when you see your opponent mumbiling about how he/she cant do a darn thing. I love watching my opponents stare at my platinum angel and suffer because they know unlees they have a naturalize or some kind of card that kills artifacts they are SCREWED!
- November 01, 2003
-- Anonymous
- November 01, 2003
-- Anonymous
GOOD card but costs a lot for me at the time.
- June 12, 2010
-- Mastermind
If you enchant this with indestructibility and then put in tajuru preserver you have a 99%chance of never dying.
- January 14, 2010
-- Anonymous
Platinum Angel + shroud does not = win. Part of what makes this game great is the fact that there is no completely failsafe way to win. No matter what combo or strategy you use, there is always an answer to it.
- January 08, 2010
-- You know who
Yes, the card is awesome, but... No, Platinum Angel + shroud doesn't = win. How are people still not getting this? All shroud does is keep the creature from being targeted. Any spell that isn't targeted will destroy a creature, even if it has shroud. This list of spells includes Damnation, Wrath of God, Whirlwind, Starstorm, Day of Judgement, Hurricane, Rout, Hour of Reckoning, and dozens of others. Before you go posting false info, take the time to read what other people have posted. You might learn something.
- December 14, 2009
-- Peitsa
Here's a combo: Elvish Piper (in play), Platinum Angel (anywhere but graveyard), Summoner's Pact (in your hand). Can protect you from losing from ANYTHING, at INSTANT SPEED and for only 1 green mana total. Sure, you need to pay up during your next upkeep but that's pretty negligible.
- August 05, 2009
-- Chris
Agreed, darksteel forge is not enough to make her invincible, but saying "all you have to play is........" is not a good statement to make. Reality acid or lingering death are nice, but so are counterspell and ghostway.
Darksteel forge and a diplomatic immunity will make things much more difficult however.......
- July 29, 2009
-- Brian Rees
very fun card but everybody seems to think that if you throw out a darksteel furnace that it is untouchable. wrong all you have to do is throw out a lingering death or reality acid
- February 17, 2009
-- Jacob Varn
Urza lands, it becomes that evil, evil turn 3 play. Cloudpost, turn 4. Your opponent will cry when he sees this come out while he's still laying down goblins. Nice in a Tooth and Nail with Mycosynth Lattice and Cloudposts. Turn 3, lay down the Lattice. Turn 4, TnN the Angel and pretty much whatever, and laugh in your opponent's face, and you still have enough mana to lay down a Hurkyl's Recall, assuming you have 4 Cloudposts/Vesuvas on the board.
- February 17, 2009
-- Jacob Varn
Urza lands, it becomes that evil, evil turn 3 play. Cloudpost, turn 4. Your opponent will cry when he sees this come out while he's still laying down goblins. Nice in a Tooth and Nail with Mycosynth Lattice and Cloudposts. Turn 3, lay down the Lattice. Turn 4, TnN the Angel and pretty much whatever, and laugh in your opponent's face, and you still have enough mana to lay down a Hurkyl's Recall, assuming you have 4 Cloudposts/Vesuvas on the board.
- December 20, 2008
-- greg
also, wrath of god doesn't even target it, so diplomatic immunity isn't great. control decks can delay the game for a while, though...long enough to perhaps suspend w/ jhoira, then when it resolves you'll have plenty of mana open to back it up (rewind rewind!).
- December 17, 2008
-- Anonymous
i don't even think you can use these in tournaments anymore. anyway, 7 colorless mana, not bad, especially if you stack it in a deck with Urza's Power plant, mine, and tower. I won a game yesterday that I won in three turns with this. Then if they have no bury creatures, or destroys game over. If they do then just add a couple of those enchant creatures that says, this creature cant be the target of any spells OR abilities. game over, this card is awesome! (One of my decks is stacked around that with a few Dawn Elementals and Pariahs) Although if you do not have the cool mana cards such as the ones i mentioned above, this card could possibly take a while to acquire. =)
- July 28, 2008
-- Duke DemonKnight
Wow, if i realized i could say *&$! on here, my reviews would have been much saltier from the beginning... But yeah, this card is pretty shweet, and I would argue that preventing winning of the game doesn't necessarily reference that this is some kind of meta-creature that actually knows it's in a game of Magic... Think of it as an extension of the 'protection from' rules and apply it to any means of winning the game instead of just from targeting by colors or whatever... Platinum Angel rules.
- July 26, 2008
-- Jiri Keronen
Platinum Angel is my all time favourite card in Magic: The Gathering. Not just because the rule is so immense in its power, but also because of the epicness of the creature itself. "In its heart lies the secret of immortality" really has to be one of the greatest flavour texts ever written.

Also the card is extremely versatile and can serve several different purposes. You can use cards to draw your entire library to your hand and yet remain in the game. In combination with Platinum Angel and Vigor you have almost immortal Platinum Angel. With Timber Protector and Mirror Entity or Timber Protector and Rod of Velis-Vel or Shield of Velis-Vel you have an indestructable Platinum Angel. 7 mana cost is easy to get with green mana core. Mana elves, for an example Harbringers, and Fertile Lands or akin can be used fairly easy to gather immense amounts of mana fast.

Because of the rule of the Platinum Angel it will more than likely be the top target in your opponent's priority list. Thus Platinum Angel will draw heat. In a milling deck or control deck this quality of Platinum Angel can be a precious thing to buy you an extra turn or two, especially if your strategy involves around locking the game with something like Rule of Law.
- February 03, 2008
i would have givin it a 5 except for one minor detail...

- December 09, 2007
-- Anonymous
this card is pretty good. you can take a ton of damage and still win but the only bad thing is that once someone uses a destroy target creature or destroy taget artifact creature your done.
- December 08, 2007
-- Anonymous
This card is interesting indeed. It can be devastating, and yet it can cause arrogance and overconfidence. It is almost unbelievably powerful with something such as overlapping privileged positions. However, people think they're invincible even though they have less than 0 life left. If the angel is killed when you have below 0 life, or when you would otherwise lose, the game is over. I enjoy killing my opponent's angel right when he thinks he's safe, and suddenly he can lose the game again, Wrath of God is especially effective. Overall, a great card, but it is a person's worst mistake to depend solely upon its effects.
- April 01, 2007
-- troy n
This card is good, but way to risky to play unless your sure you can pull it off.

The only way I can keep this in is if I have 10 lands. Enough to play the angel, and then put a shielding plax on her on the same turn. Only way for me to keep her. Otherwise she get's mortified before I can do anything.
- October 19, 2006
-- tyler
buy solis
This card is as good as me and i am good but u need a god way to protect it or it will be distroyed.
A good way to protect it is to use a enchant creature or replicate it with djinn illuminatus so then u will have as many as you can pay for. then i would power it up with moer enchantments.
- July 11, 2005
-- Josh Greene
Platinum Angel + Soul Foundry = instant win. being able to concentrate on attack rather then defense is a plus, but gotta look out for naturalize, shatter, and others of the like. I have two, both in play. One of my favorite cards.
- March 12, 2005
-- Anonymous
Altars Light enough said
- September 16, 2004
-- Stu
An excelent card for multiplayer domination. If you combine it with a darksteel forge and hope that the other played doesnt have any discards, the game is yours
- January 04, 2004
-- Anonymous
This is a really good card, As Long as you have it in play, you can't lose, and your opponnent can't win
- December 23, 2003
-- Japanese Hobbit
yea this is one cheap card, but its nothing that a terror cant handle
- November 01, 2003
-- Anonymous
This is vary interesting card, this is the first time I have seen card that has a direct effect on the game. Some people think this card should be band, I don't think it should. It is only a 4/4 Artifact Creature I think its vary easy to get rid of Artifacts. The only way you can have problems with this card is if the controller were to attach lightning Greaves or something similar. The only card that should be band is Mindslaver.
- July 03, 2011
-- JAD
This card gets WAAAYYYY to much credit. First off, as soon as you play it, you will be the target of every spell that your opponent(s) control. Also everyone will hate because it's so CHEAP. I have seen this used with Darksteel Forge it's the absolute cheapest combo in the game, Especially since Darksteel is an artifact so it can't be destroyed this card should be banned.
- March 10, 2011
-- Ian
Artifact creatures are the most vulnerable card type ever. Every color has something that can easily kill it. Any deck would have some type of artifact kill, creature kill, or bounce.
- November 12, 2010
-- Ucarious
This card Is good BUT I think the funniest part is the MAJOr loophole, my friend played this and I Kept attacking till he was in the negative health level then I doom bladed it and he instantly lost, it says YOU CAN'T LOSE, not you can't lose hp.
- October 18, 2010
-- Anonymous
*friend of mine plays platinum angel* "your turn"
*i play doom blade and extirpate* "your turn good sir"
*friend sadfaces*
- January 17, 2010
-- D/0
I've never seen anyone play with this card. This would be playable if it cost 6 mana, or had shroud, or protection from red, black, or white. But cmon, 7 mana for a 4/4 card type that is the EASIEST IN THE GAME TO DESTROY / EXILE (artifact AND creature). If it were a non-artifact it would be better, because then only creature kill could effect it, not artifact kill. This might be an alright casual card but it is not playable in competitive scenarios.
- December 23, 2009
-- Anonymous
Visara the Dreadful costs 6 to play and Platinum Angel costs 7. And also Visara would just own it by destroying it. So this creature and its effect are definetly not undefeatable.
- July 24, 2009
-- Jim
I am amused at people who think that putting diplomatic immunity, whispersilk cloak, or something similar makes their Platinum Angel untouchable. These only protect it from being targeted. Trropical storm, plague wind, or anything else that doesn't specifically target it will still get rid of it with no problem, so you might want to put some more thought into your "unbeatable" combo.
- April 16, 2009
-- Anonymous
Yeah, this would be great. Bring out, make it indestructible and then someone plays alladin. No thanks.
- June 17, 2008
-- Anonymous
Cool card. I nearly s***t my pants when I pulled a foil one in a pack.
- June 16, 2008
-- Greg Johnston
Then kill the diplomatic immunity!!
- May 10, 2008
-- Greg Johnston
Sure, at first glance this card looks like a 5-starrer...But a couple things bring it back down to 3-4 stars...Frist of all the mana cost is TERRIBLE. 7 mana?! First of all, by the time you get this out I don't know how much good it'll do you, in a lot of tournaments you will have lost or won by Turn 7, and even if you speed ip ut a's still just a 4/4 Artifact w/ flying. If you don't cast it on turn 4 or something with a whole bunch of speed boosts, it will get COUNTERED, think about it: it's turn 7...counter decks are common, really common, and on turn 7 most blue mages' hands will be filled up with couterspells. In the unlikely (but I guess preferable) situation that you're NOT playing against something that counters everything you throw at him (especially on turn 7), there is a lot of removal for this thing. First of all, it's an artifact...artifacts are incredibly easy to kill: Ingot Chewer, Molder and Naturalize off the top of my head, there are probably 50 more common artifact killers. It's a creature, which doesn't help. You can Wrath of God it, shock it twice, Jaya it, Incinerate then Shock, Kamahl, Pit Fighter, the list goes on...and on...and on...and on...
- July 22, 2007
-- Anonymous
A bomb in drafting and sealed, this will have a hard time seeing tournament play.

As soon as it hits the field, it becomes a magnet for every removal spell. Couple that with a high manacost, and you have yourself an unplayable card in high levels of play.

I would recommend this for the casual players, not tournament-bound people.
- November 08, 2006
-- Paradox
hey the says "YOU CANT LOSE AND OPPONENT CANT WIN" that doesnt mean you will automatically win. plus, time spiral came out with the sorcery version of this...its the same thing, but better......and cheaper. the angel can still be destroyed...or counterspelled ("Counterspell" now thats an awsome card)
- August 29, 2005
-- Jeff
In serious type 1 play, Plat is decent. Any good deck can handle her.
- August 24, 2005
-- Shadow1213
I made it a 3star. Because i have a black deck and i have plenty of kill non black creature cards, so i can controll when it comes out of play. Also i am sure my creatures can out last the owner of this cards deck while i build up my army. Also i have enougf leach cards to keep this player at 1 hp and my hp past 20. Its ok but i would rather have another player then me play it
- August 02, 2004
-- Anonymous
Its worth more than the cost to bring out. But its a bit too costly to buy and or find in booster packs. Even to buy from
- April 01, 2004
-- Anonymous
stupid card....never should have been printed...
- July 14, 2009
-- Kith
...shhh.... yap so powerful, but before you can cast this your already doomed agaisnt an opponent using dredge deck or kithkin deck ...
- July 08, 2008
-- fon7ana
im sorry.. but im a hater. A card that effects the actualy "game" which totally defies the use of imagination as if these monsters would know its a game. Thats hard to explain.. but anyway. Cheap as all hell this one is.. yea u can kill it with certain cards.. but while u are trying to dig those up you are getting hit for FOUR damage each turn and CANT win the game.

cheap, worse than terror
- April 11, 2007
-- James
this thing sucks! 7 mana hahahahah by the time you get this out your already dead, for casual i guess its fine, but in legacy hahahahaha, ummm counterspell...shatter...disenchant... the list goes on and on and on
- January 25, 2006
-- Evan
Platinum Angel (a symbol of Wizards of the Coast's degradation and need to please the masses of ignorant, strategy-less, piggybanks) This card is neither fun, nor cool. Whatever happened to the days when artifacts sucked combos required over four spells and Magic cards didn't look like yu-gi-oh cards.

I'm proud to say that the only time I ever encountered a Platinum Angel in a tournament, the angel wasn't even out a whole turn when I killed it with a Goblin Striker and a Fists of the Anvil.
- November 01, 2003
-- Anonymous
This card is a really bad card because of what it does. I don't like it because it says
4.09 $4.09
Near Mint
Fulfilled By:
Troll Rankings
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