Exalted Angel

Exalted Angel Onslaught Singles
11.39 $11.39
Near Mint
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- 26 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Angel
Card TextFlying Whenever Exalted Angel deals damage, you gain that much life. Morph
(You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for
. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.)
Creature TypeAngel
ArtistMichael Sutfin
Flavor Text
DescriptionOnslaught Single Card
Release Date10/07/2002
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- January 30, 2011
-- Anonymous
Exalted Angel is one of the best flying creature. She just 4/5 flying and lifelink for 4WW, but the Morph makes her more potential to attack on turn 4. Although Baneslayer far superior than her, I suggest you to bring them together.
- January 17, 2011
-- Gabriel Celesta
I agree that Exalted Angel is better than Warrior Angel.
Exalted Angel is 4/5 Flying and Lifelink for 4WW, and can use Morph ability to allow you play her for 2WW.
Warrior Angel is 3/4 Flying and Lifelink for 4WW.
It's clear? .... that'll be fatal if you get tournament buster draft....
- December 24, 2010
-- Jay
I can't play Morph cards anymore in my play group because Grinning Demon and Exalted Angel are sooo powerful that they just Lightning Bolt, STP, etc. them while they are still just 2/2 Creatures and I don't have the mana to flip 'em(Gathan Raiders and Hystrodon are tough also). Just goes to show the fear instilled by the unknown
- December 19, 2010
-- Annoying Man
hahahaha... what interesting comments.... the warrior angel, eh?! So it's your best way of thinking?! I think the people who said warrior angel is better are not right. Exalted angel are better, far superior than that...!
- August 09, 2010
-- Anonymous
This is clearly a powerhouse. As a 4/5 Flier and Lifelink creature. Add morph to the mix and you have all that in a creature that can attack on turn 4!!! Then in the next turn, Baneslayer appears!!!
- July 16, 2010
-- Anonymous
Baneslayer, Battlegrace, and Exalted Angel are my level dude. If your level is Warrior Angel, let it be....
- June 01, 2010
-- Jace Beleren
Compare to Baneslayer Angel, Exalted may not look much. But if you bring them together in Angel Deck, this really a powerful card! Lifelink and Flying will dominate the air!
- July 01, 2008
-- Bear
Exalted Angel is the shiznat people. I play four of them in a green/white lifegain-beatdown deck and they absolutely melt face. The point is to play through morph so it basically costs 4 mana to cast. I bust these out for a 4th or 5th turn attack regularly and you should see the look on my opponent's face when it turns face up. Only drawback is that its a potentially vulnerable 2/2 for a turn and if your opponent knows your deck already they will do whatever they can to kill it in this weaker state ec. shock, lightning bolt etc.. This is is waay better than warrior angel..

oh also I'm pretty sure that if you encounter a situation such as Pithing Needle and Exalted Angel being the named card you can still morph it out and then flip it up because morph is a static ability not an activated ability.
- November 25, 2007
-- Steve
I'll keep this simple, Exalted Angel is better than Warrior Angel. Why? Exalted Angel is a 4/5 Flier with lifelink and the morph option who costs 4 and 2W; while Warrior Angel is a 3/4 Flier with lifelink who also costs 4 and 2W. Hmm... which is better? Base on those stats, Exalted Angel. Why have a 3/4 Flier when you can have a 4/5 Flier for the same cost with the same lifelink? Now with that being said, we must also look at the card value when actually purchasing between the two. If you can afford it, get Exalted or if you are working on a tight budget get Warrior. Either way, you don't lose out at all!
- February 14, 2007
-- soulcole
One of the best angels ever printed with the life gain effect this card becomes a power house that can hit the board on turn four. Angel deck or not you can't go wrong with this one.
- December 02, 2006
-- Oliver Neil Organo
Akroma aside, this has got to be the best angel white has ever had. Great P/T and abilities for its cost, ensures a 4-8 life swing everytime she hits, and she could pop out as early as turn 2 and morph on turn 3 to start beating for 4 damage per turn.
- July 08, 2006
-- Bochaba
Just sick, thats all I can say about this card. IMO, one of the top 15 or so creatures ever printed for magic. For 4 you get a 4/5 Flyer with Spirit Link and no draw backs.
- June 29, 2006
-- Anonymous
wow this thing is awesome... oh ya its 1 more mana... not 1 less mana.
- March 20, 2005
-- Island Fish
I had two coppies of her,and traded one to this guy for about $30.00 worth of killer cardboard including,a Seraph, a Blinding Angel, and a Serra Angel.The only white creature that is better is Akroma,Angel of Wrath!
- January 30, 2005
-- Anonymous
i give very few creatures the five star treatment. so maybe i'll regret this later and downgrade it too a four. anyway, 'exalted angel' is the new dynamic of the game at large. back in the old days you had the hope of playing some big whupass and winning some games(although creatures like 'force of nature' rarely won in duels, only casual play). however, those days become as rare as to be almost nonexistent in the going on twelve years of MTG and its vast card pool. 'e. angel' like 'masticore' to list one example, is both offensive and defensive by giving you a great creature at a reasonable mana price while gaining you life(quick, name a tournament deck that's not draft or block that's won with a life gain card besides 'swords to plowshares'). morph, great mana cost, flyer, life-gain, great offensive and defensive capabilities make this card one of the few greats(at least for now, and i can think of one....'hero's reunion.' can't remember the deck theme or name).
- October 30, 2004
-- Ben
You can get this creature unmorphed and attacking on the third turn. A 4/5 flyer with a built in spirit link that can start swinging on the third turn. If it didn't tap to attack, it would be the best creature.
- August 17, 2004
-- Anonymous
This card rocks!!!
- December 19, 2003
-- Mauro
Awesome. I don't own a copy, but if I ever got my hands on this card, you can bet my White-Weenie deck will get a serious boost.
- November 06, 2003
-- Anonymous
Your opponent always, always sees this coming...

Good nevertheless.
- September 28, 2003
-- Adam Brock
I agree. Exalted angel is better than warrior angel in every way! Power, toughness, it has morph, and it has that cool art.
- February 24, 2003
-- Anonymous
The perfect kill mechanic in astral slide. Pay 3, turn angel face down, slide her out, she comes back in face up. That's turn 4.
- February 07, 2003
-- Hunter
You see this, you draft it. If you play a deck that has plains 4 of these monsters is almost a given. I play it in a prison type deck and man does it bash skulls. I've won games where I'm at almost thirty and my opponent is stone cold dead after the Exalted angel opened a 55 gallon drum of whup-@$$ on them. Hands down better than Serra Angel and one of the greatest white cards ever printed.
- November 09, 2002
-- Josh Wellington
This card is just WOW! I mean for 1 less then the cost of a serra angel you can a 4/5 flyer with a spirit link built in, now granted Serra didn't tap, and was a natural 5 casting cost creature, where exalted angel still taps, and has to be morphed in, but im still not going to complain, its really good. This set deffinetly gives white some really good cards to either play as a mono-color, which is entirely possible now, or to splash in with green and or blue. Excellent card, and your opponent never, and i mean never sees it comming.
- January 17, 2003
-- Josh
Exalted angel can be played on the third turn as a 2/2, then morphed on the fourth turn, then used to smack the crap out of your opponent on the fourth turn as well. Have you ever played magic??
- October 08, 2002
-- dj son
good but warrior angel is better
- September 20, 2003
-- goofy
duhert, what's magic? you sure warrior angel isn't lower cost and stronger?
11.39 $11.39
Near Mint
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