Nightscape Familiar

Nightscape Familiar Planeshift Singles
$0.69 0.65 $0.65
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- 3 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeCreature - Zombie
Card TextBlue spells and red spells you cast cost
less to cast.
: Regenerate Nightscape Familiar.
Creature TypeZombie
ArtistJeff Easley
Flavor TextNightscape masters don't stop at raising the spirit of a fallen battlemage. They raise the flesh along with it.
DescriptionPlaneshift Single Card
Release Date02/05/2001
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- June 05, 2010
-- Jay
As stated by the first reviewer, you have yourself a solid chumper, as well as an awesome cost reducer for Grixis colors(minus the black part). Hands-down the best of all the Familiars'.

My favorite turn one hand w/ the deck would probably be: Turn 1: Swamp. Dark Ritual, Nightscape Familiar. Exile Simian Spirit Guide, then play Browbeat. Turn 2: Mountain. Browbeat (Assuming they allowed the card draw... but no one ever does that I play with.)////////Turn 2: Mountain. Blightning.

In short my deck is similiar to the "All In Red" Deck, but utilizes Hellbent abiity and Ensnaring Bridge. I have yet to lose to a creature-based/weenie deck 1v1. Otherwise it can hold it's own to control but doesn't stand much chance against pure aggro, since they always focus on my life total(No life gain built in deck :C).
- December 28, 2002
-- Zedechai
In my infamous Type II black/red deck, I keep four copies of this guy. He speeds up my deck enormously. Not only, however, does he keep my mana costs down, he is a regenerator that defends me at home. Don't overlook this card! You definitely won't after the first time you play against me.
- April 10, 2008
-- Anonymous
Nightscape was very effective at increase the speed at tog. To the above poster when this was type 2 the only deck that dominated was psychatog. Makes for a great early game feed blocker to slow your opponents down while you build up for the finishing blow and allows for getting shadowmages into play one turn sooner to feed your card advantage =).
$0.69 0.65 $0.65
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