Nissa Revane

Nissa Revane Zendikar Singles
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Casting Cost
Card TypePlaneswalker - Nissa
Card Text[+1]: Search your library for a card named Nissa's Chosen, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle. [+1]: You gain 2 life for each Elf you control. [−7]: Search your library for any number of Elf creature cards, put them onto the battlefield, then shuffle.
Creature TypeNissa
ArtistJaime Jones
Flavor Text
DescriptionNissa Revane
Release Date10/02/2009
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- May 22, 2010
-- Thomas Bozsik
it really depends on what type of elf deck you run, if you run a T2 deck and you get to use her last ability yes you can get screwed badly with a wrath of god or the equivelent, however if you run a casual/fun deck this card is an absolute MUST, just make sure you run at minimum 1 Elvish Soultiller, if you used the last ability and someone played an obliterate/wrath of god/etc all your elves would immediately go back to your library and the person would basically just end up screwin themselves over, even if you would have trouble winning at this point from reducing their health to 0 (which is unlikely if you run enough elf cards that give mana) depending on your opponents deck type and how many elves you have in your deck, you could survive long enough to win by the drawing their full deck.
- December 05, 2009
-- the monster that lives in your garage
Elves just got an insane power boost. Even with the sorcery rule if you get it up to 7 it's pretty much game. Another lucky cathc for me in my first zendikar pack.
- November 24, 2009
-- Varjo
A Nissa Monument deck is really good. Took me a while to build one but I finally did.
- October 19, 2009
-- Keith Roth
Great card for elf deck get Nissas Chosen and blow your opponent away. Love the last ability search for as many elfs as you want and put them in play a must have.
- October 01, 2009
-- John Holder
WHAT?!?!?!?! as if elves weren't powerful enough already... still if they ever get any in stock i'd order a couple...cuz they're beasts....
- July 06, 2010
-- Anonymous
Nissa is great planeswalker in the elf deck. Somehow I sad that if we want to put her in the deck, then we must have Nissa Chosen. That's mean this planeswalker absorb 8 slots in deck!!! However her ability is great enough to support elf deck.
- March 26, 2010
-- Anonymous
Ok, here is what I have to say on this and I'm not saying anymore. Nissa Revane is a solid planeswalker. Alot of people will complain about her low starting loyalty, but if you think about it then its fine. Her first ability is to put Nissa's chosen straight into play. ITS FREE!!!!!!!! Her second ability is to heal you 2 per elf you have. I don't know about the rest of you but I have a hard time putting healing into my Type 2/Standard Elf deck. This fixes my problem. Her third ability in all honesty should never be used. If you are allowed to get that far with most of your planeswalkers its because you have clearly won the game already and are just adding insult to injury. The exception possibly being Garruk or Liliana...possibly Jace. I love this card for her first two abilities. They are awesome.
- May 15, 2010
-- Anonymous
ok not great but not terrible. starting off at 2 is really bad her first to abilitys are actually really good. But her last ability needs too be played smart if not u will end up losing u only want to get the elves out that u need to win because of MASS REMOVAL such as wrath of god damnation day of judgment against monoblack mutilate so if u get out every single elf u have and they cast damnation or something of the sort u r screwed
- January 09, 2011
-- adam kern
This card is all bones.
- February 13, 2010
-- Negative McNegativeson
Ok ok, 2 isnt much but know that Im rating it 2 compared to other planeswalkers, and that any planeswalker is at least a 4 if you compare it to every other magic card. The drawbacks: starts at 2... man thats weak. even though shes RELATIVLY cheap to cast at 4cc, and considering that green has great mana accel, theres still not much reason to belive she'll survive a single turn. Also, only pumps +1.. if she, by some miracle, survived the first few rounds, can anyone expect her to survive 5 full rounds to use her game-winner? Moreover, shes situational to say the least.. Whats worse is that she favors a tribe thats already, BY FAR, stronger than any other and dont even really need her. Also, the "gain 2 life per elf" ability will, as with most monsterous healing, either slow the game down to snail pace (if ur loosing) or be completely surplus (if ur winning). Healing is alright but cmon, moderation any1?
- June 11, 2011
-- reassembling skeleton
This card is all bones.

-- By adam kern from new york on January 09, 2011
- February 13, 2011
-- crimson
I understand that this card is one of the planeswalkers,but it's far too easy to kill. Just about any deck can take her out immediately. She's often nothing but a waste of space. You play nissa,up her by 1,end. I play essence drain,or terror,or any black or red card,immediately annihilating her. She's pretty pointless.
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