Plains 331 MTG 9th Edition Singles
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Near Mint
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- 4 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Card TypeBasic Land ? Plains
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Creature TypePlains
SetNinth Edition
ArtistMatthew Mitchell
DescriptionMTG 9th Edition Single Card
Release Date07/29/2005
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- January 28, 2005
-- Anonymous
well, i'm a sucker for twilight scenes and this one makes me well with deep emotion. of all the blocks besides 'beta'(talking about 'plains' here willis) this one has not a single lemon. four excellent 'plains' and by different artists to boot! if someone held a gun to my head i would really hate to have to decide. but of course i will, for you dear fanboy/and girls. but, leaving levity aside for the moment, a truly beautiful set of four 'plains.' why i love playing MTG . someone once defined art as," what makes you proud to be a human." and i'm not an art critic of many talents but it looks like these artists poured their sweat into these masterpieces.....
- January 30, 2004
-- Anonymous
Beautiful artwork!
- February 24, 2005
-- Anonymous
well, john avon, artist extraordinaire, did the blocks of 'swamp' and 'mountain' and most of them are truly outstanding with a unique look that brands the set and the set it(heh). the 'forest's are also pretty good with a really creepy vibe going on. then you have the 'island's and this...'plain's. so if you order some monkey chow in three flavors take the flavors and leave the vanilla scoops for grandma. are we clear little kiddies?
- March 04, 2005
-- Anonymous
the two previous comments by moi seem to have become lost in the computer reference system of this site. the first is refering to the 'odssey' block of plains and the second comment refers to the 'urzas saga' block of plains. but apparently this site mishmashes them all together. go figure...............
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