Lovisa Coldeyes

Lovisa Coldeyes Coldsnap Singles
0.59 $0.59
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- 3 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeLegendary Creature - Human Lord
Card TextEach creature that's a Barbarian, a Warrior, or a Berserker gets +2/+2 and has haste.
Creature TypeHuman
ArtistBrian Snõddy
Flavor Text"I lead my horde to the northwest. I won't return until the ice wizards fall and their fiendish contraptions are crushed!"
DescriptionColdsnap Single Card
Release Date07/21/2006
Dimensions0" H x 0" W x 0" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- February 09, 2008
-- Will
I love this lady, not least because she pumps not one but three tribes, making a Barbarian/Berserker/Warrior zoo deck viable (toss in Balthor the Stout for extra fun). My favorite combo is to play her with an evasive creature like Phantom Warrior, which becomes a hasty, unblockable 4/4 for only 3 mana. (A red-blue warrior deck? Whodathunkofit?) The rise of Warriors in Lorwyn and Morningtide also opens up new possibilities. Finally, she's been issued errata that makes her a Human Barbarian, with the rules text "Warrior, Berserker, and other Barbarian creatures get +2/+2 and haste" -- this means that while she explicitly doesn't pump herself, if you equip her with a Runed Stalactite, she DOES, 'cause she DOESN'T say "other Warrior and other Berserker creatures." Just a tip. In summary: Lovisa Coldeyes is one grand old lady and a fine addition to your deck!
- July 25, 2006
-- Anonymous
I really wanna try this card out, build a human deck and watch how you get creatures out into play. Your Lionheart Maverick is now a 3/3 with Vigilance and Haste! Kamhal lives just a lives little longer now! Next add In the Web of War and just keep rushing your opponent
- March 31, 2008
-- Evan
very useful in a human deck, and in a barbarian, warrior, or berserker deck. couple in with morningtides new wrrior deck and thats very helpful.
to the previous reviewer she still pumps herself from just being a barbarian because it doesn't say other, she is a 5/5 with haste.
0.59 $0.59
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