
- 38
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Rarity | Rare |
Casting Cost | |
Card Text | Whenever Spiritmonger deals damage to a creature, put a +1/+1 counter on Spiritmonger.: Regenerate Spiritmonger.: Spiritmonger becomes the color of your choice until end of turn. |
Creature Type | Beast |
Set | Conspiracy |
Artist | Kev Walker |
Description | Conspiracy Single Card |
Release Date | 06/06/2014 |
Dimensions | 3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D |
Ship Weight | 0.004 pounds |
- January 28, 2012
-- js
-- js
just as fast (maybe even faster) than juzam?... check!
massively resistant to spot removal?... check!
bigger threat the longer it hangs around?... check!
this guy is a five star creature card, and a 4 star card when measured against anything.
massively resistant to spot removal?... check!
bigger threat the longer it hangs around?... check!
this guy is a five star creature card, and a 4 star card when measured against anything.
- March 27, 2010
-- Mark
-- Mark
For those who don't know the story behind the Monger, he was designed by the world champ for the previous year along with him having his face planted on Meddling Mage. He wanted to design a beefy creature that could get around alot of removal. And he does that quite well. His playability in the modern game though has diminished greatly, especially with the introduction of Abyssal Persecuter
- November 02, 2009
-- Jesse
-- Jesse
I thought this was rediculously powerful when i saw it i little over a year ago. Now i look at the new cards and groan at how much they are than this... somehow
- June 20, 2009
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
6/6 that costs 5 to play, gets +1/+1 counters, regenerates and becomes the color of your choice. What's the catch? There is none. It just seems like an 8 year-old made it.
- August 09, 2008
-- Sean
-- Sean
Really If you gave him less than 5 stars you are being dishonest. He may not be the pounder he was when he came out, but neither are many of the other best creatures out there. And for the last time you don't give cards bad reviews just because there is a card out there that can deal with it. *Newsflash* Any card in Magic has a card that can deal with it. The all mighty moxes and lotus go screaming to the grave from a gorilla shaman. Does that make them bad? No. He is one of the toughest creatures to deal with and incredibly low casting cost.
- February 20, 2008
-- The Dude
-- The Dude
This card should not have been made, it is too powerful in the hands of the wrong people.
- December 01, 2007
-- Drew
-- Drew
This guy is amazing! He powers up just by dealing damage, he can regenerate for one black mana, then, to get around protection and other color related efects, he changes. All of this for a 6/6 for 5 mana. A 6/6 for his cost his good enough, but they just couldn't stop there!
- June 02, 2006
-- Ben
-- Ben
Spiritmonger is a great card any way you look at it, but I can't help but be irritated by everyone that throws around the phrase, "Best card in Magic", in regards to so many different cards. Lets face it folks, the best card in Magic, hands down, is Ancestral Recall, with Black Lotus and the rest of the "Power 9" close behind. Still, most are correct that Spiritmonger is one of the best creatures from Apocalypse. An absolute must for any creature heavy Extended, Legacy, Vintage B/G Golgari based deck.
- July 02, 2005
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Despite the high price, for five mana, this is one of the best cards in the set. It's rocked and it has three great abilities!!!!!!
- October 30, 2004
-- Nick
-- Nick
Short list for creatures and all time! Horrendously powerful, will only get bigger, almost impossible to kill with regeeration and its size, and can change colors so forget bout protecting yourself against it! Undisputedly the best creature in a long time... give it trample and the chips hit the fan!
- October 30, 2004
-- Ben
-- Ben
This is the #2 creature in Magic. It can regenerate, it grows, and can turn into nice colours to get past CoPs. The only thing it doesn't have is trample, and that's why they made Berserk. Few decks can last against turn-after-turn beat by a Spiritmonger or two, and it's a 6/6 body for only five mana, with no drawback other than having to come up with a black and green mana, which are traditional enemy colours. Wow.
- August 25, 2004
-- Greg
-- Greg
Probably one of my favourite cards of all time, and definately my favourite creature. I have 3 Foil ones and I love them, they're all shiny and pretty. Can form a pretty nasty tag-team with Rancor or Loxodon Warhammer, and he can be pretty hard to get rid of, especially if you sacrifice him to a Ravenous Baloth if he is ever targeted by a spell like Swords to Plowshares. Also great with Lure in casual.
- December 24, 2003
-- Ryan
-- Ryan
Well id have to agree with both of you... Im a big fan of fast decks and control decks when I play sligh normally i dont even see this guy and when i play something like Pt Junk i see him and he doesnt resolve for long :) so you bought right but yes this guy is INSANE a 6/6 for 5 is already a solid drop then it color shifts so it can survive all those nasty pro color guys and he gets bigger and bigger hes also a NASTY drop in 5 color. I normally scoop in 5color if someone drops this guy. I don't have a answer in my hand or something cool out like a future sight or some card draw but its underrated seeing as though the're only 5 stars and trample would make him broken
- November 05, 2003
-- Greg
-- Greg
Next to my Mox Emerald it is hands down my coolest card, and people always ask me If i want to trade it. Never. Even if it is inevitable the price goes down. Definately one of the top 5 creatures in Magic, among the ranks of Morphling, Exalted Angel, Masticore, and Benalish Hero. Long Live The Rock!
- November 05, 2003
-- Greg
-- Greg
My very favorite creature in the game. I own 4, and 1 of them is foil, I love using them in my Rock deck. They go quite nicely with Pernicious Deed, because they can regenerate. It is also a great combo to put an armadillo cloak, or loxodon warhammer on one and add a Lure, making it an extremely powerful creature. Long live the Rock!
- September 01, 2003
-- Daru, healer driad
-- Daru, healer driad
This is a great card, paying 5 manas you receive a 6/6 creature . that's not the only thing that spiritmonger does, paying a swamp you may regenerate him and paying a forest it becomes the color of your choice until end of turn.
- January 27, 2003
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Definately the best creature in the game, and since it's black, it can barely be killed taking aside chainer's edict and such. I use 2 and let me tell you, it's one awesome card.
- January 02, 2003
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
My friend got me into Magic so I bought a pack and guess what was in it? A Spiritmonger. This card is worth every penny and I dont see why its not the best card in the game.
- October 31, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
IS this really one of the best cards in magic.I never played agaist one before.
- September 03, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
My opinion, best card ever made.
- May 10, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Lets look at the argument against this savage hoss shall we? Overcosted? A 6/6 for five mana and three abilities is excellent and undercosted if anything. He regenerates, what creature can take him out? Oh shivan wurm, no prob, I pay the black mana and regenerate. His regeneration rains on many decks parades, by Skizzik, FTK, Blastoderm, BOP. Lllanowar elves, just about every creature in existence. No trample? No prob. Primal frenzy or the almighty Rancor fit the bill.
- April 27, 2002
-- phantom
-- phantom
This card is one the best card in magic the gathering. I mean 6 mana for a 5/5 is already good but can also get bigger, regenerate, and change color.
- April 17, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
An insane deal: A 6/6 for five mana is good enough, but when you add it's great abilities with it, you've got a monster. There is no reason not to play Black/Green anymore.
- April 07, 2002
-- A.spencer
-- A.spencer
Did they make some kinda mistake on this creatures power/toughness? Hands down best creature in the game.
- April 04, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
spiritmonger is the best card in the game
- March 30, 2002
-- Wraithlan
-- Wraithlan
This is the best creatue in the game. Yes better the Juzam Djinn and scuta, its 5 mana for a 6/6 regenerating. Better then any vampire because is dont have to kill to get bigger. And it can change color to block protected creatures or dodge color spasific spells with wild growth then dark ritual you can cast it on trun 2. The only downside to this creature is downright unfair. (hehehe that why i love it)
- February 12, 2002
-- David
-- David
Spirit Monger is the Coolest Creature in Magic!
- October 28, 2001
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Coolest looking foil in the universe!!!!!!!
- June 25, 2001
-- Tim Destan
-- Tim Destan
Wow! Spiritmonger is a 6/6 for 5 mana, with being multicolored being the only drawback. It will take down almost anything with its regeneration and growing ability. It can dodge Perish and Slay with color changing, and it is black so it can't be killed by black removal except for Terminate. If you play turn one Llanowar elf and dark ritual on turn two, you can play the 'Monger on the second turn. Tell me that isn't good! This creature alone could win many games, and every green/black deck should be sporting four of them.
- June 21, 2001
-- chad perera
-- chad perera
You thought Mirri and serra angel were good. This card is incredible. Every green and black deck will be sporting 4 of these. I mean you'd be dumb not to!
- February 18, 2008
-- Jake
-- Jake
Yes it's good.
- May 07, 2006
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
right now control is one of the biggest deck types. do you really think someone is going to let this hit the table. besides there are plenty of better creatures. i mean it is good but ,c'mon do you know what the odds are of bringing it out on turn two. i do not really like black and green beatdown either. their spell are mediocre. of course if you are playing beatdown/control black/green then i agree he is quite the beast. that is the kind of black/green deck i play. buy i never use it for tournament play because it never touches play. i just use it for casual play.yes i will give it 4 stars.
- January 25, 2006
-- Evan
-- Evan
One word: "Counterspell"
Three words: "Swords to Plowshares"
A creature spell cannot be the "best card" in the game. No matter how awesome the creature may be, any good mage will have a spell up his sleeve that can handle any beastie. Only novices rely on large creatures to win them games. Certainly Spiritmonger is one of the better creatures out there on the planes of Dominia, but relying on getting out the big creatures usually results in you getting served a humiliatingly nasty side dish of creature removal, leaving you open for the main course. Seriously, why bother with a spell that can be easily foiled by a five-cent twiddle or an embarassing pacifism? Those who think creatures are the best cards in the game should learn a thing or two about the game before they start writing bogus reviews.
In conclusion, Spiritmonger = good; Birds of Paradise = better; Wraith of God, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Demonic Tutor, Regrowth, Arcane Denial, Hymn to Tourach, etc. = best
And for the record: Chub Toad sucks
Three words: "Swords to Plowshares"
A creature spell cannot be the "best card" in the game. No matter how awesome the creature may be, any good mage will have a spell up his sleeve that can handle any beastie. Only novices rely on large creatures to win them games. Certainly Spiritmonger is one of the better creatures out there on the planes of Dominia, but relying on getting out the big creatures usually results in you getting served a humiliatingly nasty side dish of creature removal, leaving you open for the main course. Seriously, why bother with a spell that can be easily foiled by a five-cent twiddle or an embarassing pacifism? Those who think creatures are the best cards in the game should learn a thing or two about the game before they start writing bogus reviews.
In conclusion, Spiritmonger = good; Birds of Paradise = better; Wraith of God, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Demonic Tutor, Regrowth, Arcane Denial, Hymn to Tourach, etc. = best
And for the record: Chub Toad sucks
- September 14, 2003
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
I like the Spiritmonger, but it is freaky to say that it is the best creature in the game...or the best card....Morphling, Masticore, Avatar of Woe, Birds of Paradise...it is one of the best creatures !
- May 10, 2002
-- Anonymous
-- Anonymous
Hey guys just to make this simple and to make the game more fun this is how to stop this big guy. The most common solutions I can see are counterspell, swords to plowshares, disintegrate, icy manipulator, trechery, Iridescent angel, Maze of Ith, chump blocks(squirrels), voice of all, terminate, avatar of woe, grinning totem(grab him), worship(G or B cant burn you), and Ostracize). But I must say I still love him. :)
- May 20, 2002
-- Garrett
-- Garrett
Guys, this is not the best card nor creature in the game. It is VERY good, yes, for Type 2 and Extended, but nowhere near the Power of Morphling or creatures like Hypnotic Specter, etc. This card is easily beatable in type 2, and the fact that it doesn't have trample means it can be dealt with. And no, every green/black deck shouldn't play these, sometimes a 5CC drop is not what ur looking for, plus it has no game influencing abilities.
- February 22, 2003
-- kyle
-- kyle
. A 6/6 armed with regeneration, the ability to change colors, and the ability to get bigger, all for 5 mana with no drawbacks? A little bit too powerful, i'd say. MAGIC IS SUPPOSED TO BE A BALANCED GAME, or else it isn't fun anymore.
- March 19, 2002
-- Wally
-- Wally
I'm going to be lame here, but I don't like where this is going. Wizards is just making more and more cards (Shivan Wurm, Devoted Caretaker, Call of the Herd) whose only drawback seems to be that it's a rare. It takes away that plus/minus drawback and letting people stack a deck of aces. Not since the mistakes of old (Moxes, Alpha dual lands) have I seen this and call me crazy, but I think if this keeps up it will ruin the game. And yes, I have two of him and I use them quite shamefully.
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