Soltari Visionary

Soltari Visionary Exodus Singles
0.29 $0.29
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- 5 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeSummon Cleric
Card TextShadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with shadow.) Whenever Soltari Visionary deals damage to a player, destroy target enchantment that player controls.
Creature TypeSoltari, Cleric
ArtistAdam Rex
Flavor Text
DescriptionExodus Single Card
Release Date06/15/1998
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- January 04, 2007
-- Andy Poppen
Great card! Shadow is so underused by today's players that this card almost guarantees damage dealt every time. And then you get to destroy that enchantment before it becomes an annoyance! This card is great when combined with Noble Purpose for life gain. Linch-pin of my white weenie deck.
- March 08, 2005
-- Mark
This is the engine of my deck... Its 2 things in one. A creature and a destroy enchantment.
- September 25, 2002
-- Kyle Rogers
If you havent already figured out the power of this card, you are A FOOL!!!!! man 3 mana for 2 damage and destroys an enchantment every turn!!!!!
- December 03, 2008
-- greg
...what if ur opponent runs 0 enchantments? trust me, plenty of decks too...i cant think of many good decks that do. yes, the troll ascetic, birds of paradise, loxodon warhammer/hierarch, shield of the oversoul, garruk, elspeth type decks will be devastated by this cuz of their oblivion rings and shield of the oversouls. but its strictly a sideboard card, granted one that can pwn against some decks (aforementioned and anything w/ enchanted evening). which in my book means 4 stars. and how could this be a lynchpin of a weenie deck? cuz its a basically unblockable 2/2? if y'all like stuff like that, then use soltari priest.
- January 24, 2007
-- Anonymous
this card is good by itself. in conjunction with other cards, this card has very good synchronicity. you can play it in white weenie with creatures like 'mother of runes,' 'soul sculptor,' 'standard bearer,' 'field surgeon,' the artifact 'distorting lens,' and others too various to mention. this card, along with 'voice of all' is usually my main damage dealer as it cannot block. recommend.............
0.29 $0.29
Near Mint
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