Rings of Brighthearth

Rings of Brighthearth Lorwyn Singles
4.49 $4.49
Near Mint
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- 14 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeArtifact
Card TextWhenever you activate an ability, if it isn't a mana ability, you may pay
. If you do, copy that ability. You may choose new targets for the copy.
ArtistHoward Lyon
Flavor Text"Without flame, there would be no iron tools, no cooked meals, no purge of old growth to make room for new." —Brighthearth creed
DescriptionLorwyn Single Card
Release Date10/12/2007
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- October 29, 2011
-- Jay
Some people must think you can copy an activated ability = to how many times you pay {2}. Not the case. It works the same Mirari in the sense that: This itself is a triggered ability and not activated; thus it triggers once per activation of an ability you may activate yourself (Have had a few heated debates with my playgroup over this in the past)~ Still it's the bomb-diggidy!
- January 08, 2011
-- Jay
Isochron Scepter, Planeswalkers, Elvish Piper, Royal Assassin, etc. All viable options of copying abilities!
- February 22, 2010
-- Jonathon Miller
I put this in my elf deck and I'm so glad I did!
- October 29, 2009
-- Varji
Jace plus this equals killer combo or you can use nemesis of reason with it too.
- October 06, 2009
-- dallas
Great card with almost anything that does.....well ANYTHING. Great with planeswalkers, I rock 3 in a black red burn with 3x Chandra. Things can get nasty. I dont nearly have as many of these as I would use in other decks though. VERY versatile, and I love that it's a multiple effect, you dont need to tap, and it's very affordable.
- January 17, 2009
-- nick
GREAT millzard with jace. k, -10 mill the top 20 off your library, 2 do it again, and again. no more library!
- August 02, 2008
-- Le Pic
Play it with planewalker!
- May 11, 2008
-- Adam Monroe
Door to nothingness + this card. nuff said.
- February 27, 2008
-- Ben
It's pretty much a Mirari for abilities. Awsome!
- January 07, 2008
-- Jesse
This card is so underrated when it comes to talking with friends. I have found already 14 different infinite combos with this card, i mean serious, if 1 card can do 14 different infinite mana combos, then doesn't that make it a good card? 6 of the combos go off 2nd turn, 4 of the combos go off 3rd turn, 2 combos go off 4th turn, 1 combo 5th turn, and 1 combo 6th turn.

This card works wonders, and everyone least expects it...
- October 18, 2007
-- Grimancer
Grim Lavamancer, Isochron Scepter... and the top spot goes to... (Drumroll) Time Vault!
- February 03, 2010
-- Adam
Found another new infinite turn combo: Rings of Brighthearth + Magosi, the Waterveil + Amulet of Vigor. Obviously each turn you use the ability to net 2 turns so its infinite but one turn at a time lol.
- October 23, 2008
-- Anonymous
good card. about the infinite mana thing...

izzet boilerworks + tidewater minion + pemmin's aura = infinite red mana
- June 14, 2008
-- Greg Johnston
if a combo with Rings of Brighthearth gives you infinite mana, chances are that the Rings are copying a mana ability, and if you read the card then you'll see that it can't copy mana abilities.
4.49 $4.49
Near Mint
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#169,070 on Troll and Toad
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