Gilded Lotus

Gilded Lotus Mirrodin Singles
2.19 $2.19
Near Mint
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- 13 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
Casting Cost
Card TypeArtifact
Card Text
: Add three mana of any one color.
ArtistMartina Pilcerova
Flavor TextOver such beauty, wars are fought. With such power, wars are won.
DescriptionMirrodin Single Card
Release Date10/02/2003
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- April 19, 2011
-- Ruairidh Macdonald
with a voltaic key already in play, this pays for itself
- January 23, 2007
Father Lode, the moxen used to be far better than they are now. Having one mox in your deck is not going to make you win the game. Four moxen is enough to give a definite edge. But it used to be that because the moxen were essentially the same as mana but without the restriction of being able to play one per turn. So if you opened up your hand and there were four moxen and one land, BAM you had five mana on the board, first turn.

Guilded lotus is quite good, it puts a significant amount of mana at your fingertips, but it's not designed for speeding up decks the same way black lotus and lotus bloom are. It should not be considered as a substitute for them in any sense.
- September 08, 2006
-- nick
With seething song this card kicks some serious butt. Too bad i only have one of these bad boys.
- March 28, 2006
-- Lord of the Dragons
Third turn Seething Song gets this into play with no loss of mana that turn. Tap for a Lightning Greaves and maybe, oh, I don't know, some 1 mana goody. Turn 4 Arcanis looking good! This card makes playing the Onslaught legends easy. And with Seething Song, it can double your permanent mana base.
- December 14, 2004
-- Anonymous
Excellent card. One less to cast would make this card famous. Two less to cast would of ban this card. Three less to cast would make this card better than the 'black lotus'.
- April 10, 2004
I think this card will be banned pretty soon, but I think this is better than the moxes(just my oppinion)
- April 02, 2004
-- Anthony
Besides having a mana cost of 5, this card is one of the best cards out of this set. This card could help many combos.
- February 27, 2004
-- Anonymous
Great card for highly specialised coloured cards being used in a multi colour deck. It allows you to forget about manor colours and kick ass. Manor cost is expensive but well worth it.
- March 10, 2010
-- Jens N
Well... it works well with Channel :b
- July 23, 2008
-- Adam
Painful card if Tinkered because you just doubled your mana pool size and once you have it out Voltaic Construct+Gilded Lotus=inifinite mana gg and it's colored mana so it's more fun than many colorless mana combos.
- January 27, 2007
-- Anonymous
oh my god... people have said "this" is better than the moxes... this is just an above average rare... try mana vault or grim monolith :s
- August 06, 2005
-- Anonymous
It's too expensive. Some of you may be getting the wrong idea. It is 3 mana of any ONE color to your mana pool. That means you can get 3 red, 3 black, 3 blue, 3 green, and 3 white, not any combination. What can be a sick combo is Pemmin's aura on aphetto alchemist and guilded lotus. Unlimited mana. It would be better if it were 3 mana of any color.
- November 28, 2004
-- JeRune
Athough the 3 mana of any color, for just tapping is awesome. I think the cost is just to high to make it a reliable and fast mana source. Which is what basically most top decks need at this moment. Otherwise it's a good card. And in multiplayer it's great as long as you don't need speed.
2.19 $2.19
Near Mint
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