Pikachu - HGSS03 - Holo Promo

Pikachu HGSS03 Holo Promo Pokemon Heart Gold Soul Silver Promos
4.99 $4.99
Near Mint English Pokemon Card
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- 1 Customer Reviews - Review This Product
RarityHolo Rare
DescriptionPikachu - HGSS03 - Holo Promo is a Holo Rare Card from the Pokemon Heart Gold Soul Silver Promos Pokemon set. This is a Pokemon Promo. The Pokemon (Pocket Monsters) franchise begain back in 1996 as a video game by Satoshi Tajiri and Game Freak. It has since gone on to become a world class TCG, toy line, Manga in CoroCoro magazine, movies and a hit anime series. We all know "Gotta catch em all!". See image for more details on this product. Additional Details: B0062DUKP4
Dimensions3.5" H x 2.5" W x 0.012" D
Ship Weight0.004 pounds
- July 13, 2011
-- Anonymous
It's pretty, I'll give it that. The holofil effect is great. However, its attacks don't wow me. It's one damaging attack requires four energies to use and then depletes them all. Its Recharge attack allows it to regain that energy is just a few turns, so that's good. But, in my opinion, attacks like that just aren't quite worth it. You would want to use it at the begining of a game, when most Pokemon don't have the possibility of doing 100 damage in one shot. A lot of cards are like that, though. If you want a pretty card, buy it. If you want a good card, think about buying it.
4.99 $4.99
Near Mint English Pokemon Card
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